Request a Quote

Request a Quote

Feel free to contact us at 203-599.3933 to speak to someone directly.

Contact Name:



Company Address:




Phone Number:

E-mail Address:

Description of Project: (View examples)

Information you may wish to include: number of pages, static (standard) or dynamic (programmed) pages, goal of the site, what you'd like your site to do, other sites that do what you want to do, anything else you'd like us to know.

Project Description Example (Static):

We are looking for a 4 page site to help advertise our machine shop on the web. We want to have a large box on the home page directing them to call us. Other pages we'd like are a facilities page, an equipment page, and a contact us page.

Project Description Example (Dynamic):

Our clothing company is looking to expand it's presence to the web. We need a shopping cart to display our products and allow customers to purchase them on the site. We'd like to be able to add the products into the website as we need to and mark sales and discontinued items. We'd also like a news announcement section on the home page that we could control and are considering a flash introduction for more flair. Other pages we'd like to include are an events page we can update for our shows and sales and a contact us page listing all of our locations.